Redesign of Design Interactive's logo and brand style guide.
I started at Di because they were making really cool stuff, especially in the XR space. I quickly came to find out that they were also some really special people to work with as well. Their logo, however, was something unfitting and outdated for this innovative company.
I had to get the backstory on the old logo, how it came about, who made it, and why? I also had to find out whether there was any interest in changing it. I put some feelers out there and pretty much everyone was excited that I had decided to try and redesign it. Upon finding out that the owner of the company was really smitten with modernist design principles, I was happy to research old modernist logos for weeks on end while sketching ideas into a notebook like a mad man. We like to call oursleves "Di" and I found out during this process that people outside the organization and other companies also called us that, so it only made sense to narrow down "Design Interative" to "Di".